Why I do it
My reason for getting back on the bike and giving me the encouragement and support to start racing again.In 1986 the Coors Classic came to my hometown of Sacramento. Greg LeMond was on top form. After this stage I got close enough to him to grab his Jersey pocket. As a 10 year old, my life would never be the same.
I think I have this movie memorized. So many great one liners not to mention a killer 80's soundtrack.

This is the team that started a generation changed the sport and gave American kids something to root for. They were the ultimate underdogs, pioneers and pirates. I can still name everyone on that team.
I had this image as a poster in my room as a kid after Lemond won the tour by 8 seconds. I would stare at it daily. I stood on that very spot in 2005. That poster is now up in my garage.

Berkeley, CA 2011
This was my main source for cycling information in the outside world as a kid. I would get so excited to get these in the mail. Fantastic articles and pictures. I remember when I got this and found out Hampsten won the Giro, I could not believe it.
This is the Lance that I knew. Before cancer and Tour wins and the doping Lance machine. No Livestrong, Nike or Trek. Young, cocky, fast and hungry. Maybe too hungry.
Every July, me and my couch become one.