Sunday, June 17, 2012

All Good Things

I think most people can look back at life and whittle down a handful of significant moments. Those are the moments that serve as a transition into the next phase. Whether it is planned or unplanned, traumatic or triumphant, it changes you. Change for human beings is not only a good thing, but essential for us to adapt to new situations and then thrive and succeed on them. If people get stuck into habit or routine, things can plateau or become stagnant. Everyday we have a chance to try something different, a new dish of noodles, an undiscovered road on the bike or just having the "what if" mentality. One of America's greatest strengths is change itself. Trends and Fad are our accepted constants and in many ways it makes us stronger and better. Experience, change, adapt, experience, change, adapt. Darwin had a good point. 

Even though this week, I neglected, cycling I went through a deluge of change and for the most part it can be good for me. Everyone needs to wipe the metaphorical slate clean in order to do something new and challenging.  After many years of teaching at my current school, the powers that be in their infinite wisdom have decided to close the doors to my school. Unlike many educators without a job, I am lucky enough to have one in the fall but I still don't know where. I'm sad to stop my current assignment but am excited about the possibilities of a new set of experiences. The school year is officially over and summer is here and all that comes with it!
Keeping track all year.
I'm also getting married on Friday. It still has not hit me yet and it seems like planning the wedding has become a second job but everything goes to Kristen. She has taken every challenge like a champ and every problem she has encountered is solved with a creative solution. On our wedding day, all of her hard work will pay off and hopefully it can be somewhat stress free. She's a regular Martha Stewart at home working on every part of the wedding. There is no sign of this so called mythical "Bridezilla" but maybe that's just one of the millions of reasons why I asked to stay with me forever. 
One of my contributions is to make sure that she is doing alright. I help out while I can, and destress her on some of the planning. A little cooking and the occasional beverage can go a long way!
Salmon, capers, brussel sprouts and pancetta
I got to part of a cool new project called radar sports sensor. It's a product that if I understand right is a sensor that goes in your helmet and on impact will notify your emergency contact of that impact. There is an awesome commercial spot and if you look closely in it, I'm the one going down on the bike in the crash. If you look really close, you can make out the Swamis logo on the sock as I'm eating pavement. Cyndi Ortiz is the brains behind this project and I'm certain it will take off soon!
Producer/Writer/Creative Director: Cyndi Ortiz - co2 creative
Director of Photography: Ben Jones & Evan Nix - Image Brew
Director/Editor: AJ Koch
Motion Graphics: Ed Rhine & Fred Bohm - Freed Motion
Sound Design: Kip Cooper - Coupe Studios

Two-time Telly Award winner for (1) use of graphics and (2) overall online sports commercial.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the job but stoked to hear about the wedding. No matter what, this will be an epic year!


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